Just try to help a person in what he really needs, help is needed, and he is yours forever
Networking is about establishing and maintaining friendships with the right people. And I think that establishing relationships is only 2% of success in such a case. And the rest, the most important 98%, is maintaining friendly relations.
It is not enough to strike up a friendship, it is also necessary to keep it. Mutual understanding, friendship, sympathy are things that require regular heating.
Here are some more important tips on how to act as a true friend with the people in your network.
Firstly, a real comrade will never pull any of his friends "breaking bad."
Secondly, a real comrade will help you if you get stuck in something unpleasant.
And, thirdly, and this is the most important sign of a friend - a true friend will welcome any of your success, any of your achievements with sincere "puppy delight". If you have won, and he does not rejoice, does Germany WhatsApp Number List not admire you, then what kind of friend is this?
Do you want sales among your acquaintances, among friends? Then be sure to show them your delight, your admiration for any significant achievements for them.
Most people are happy to let us use them. Human nature is so arranged that we all passionately want to be useful. To help in something and to benefit is the greatest desire of any person. People love to help!
I would even venture to suggest that people see the meaning of their existence only in helping! After all, it is simply impossible to live in society and not help!
Try to live at least one day without helping anyone or anything. You definitely won't be able to do it.
Imagine that you, for the sake of the experiment, risked helping no one and nothing, gave yourself the opportunity to sit back. Imagine that you are secluded, sitting carefree at home, and doing NOTHING. But suddenly your phone rang and you had to answer the call, or suddenly some request came from phone applications. It will be necessary to answer, and the answer to the message is the real help. You help the other person to get information by your answers.