"For instance, I move apartment and my Job Function Email List landlord ran a credit check on me. I tried to explain that to the bank. But they said I was now a risky option for them." The Job Function Email List bank later restored $20,000 in credit. But Yi said she is being hampered in developing a new product line. "I need that cash flow for my Job Function Email List business," she said. Susan Lamping, a senior community loan officer at the Job Function Email List nonprofit CDC in San Diego, helped Yi obtain $35,000 in credit. "Financing is extremely hard to come by and many businesses can't get help through Job Function Email List the banks," she said."
This is a perfect example, Job Function Email List this is where a solution should have been added (but wasn't). If you read this scenario and pay close attention to the details Job Function Email List surrounding her credit reduction, you will see the exact problem Yi Ping Lai is encountering, and no, it is not an issue on the creditor's side, it is actually a mistake Job Function Email List Yi Ping Lai is making. Yi Ping Lai is personally guaranteeing the business credit she is applying for. This is a very common mistake made in the business world.
We entrepreneurs and small business owners have got to Job Function Email List keep up with the times! We have got to stay current! We have got to continue to educate ourselves! This is a new day and age of business. What was typical protocol Job Function Email List 5 years ago is long gone! And it is not because the funding is gone. There is money out there. It's just not being acquired because the application criteria has been "upped" and more importantly, personally guaranteeing anything Job Function Email List that has to do with your business MUST MUST MUST be a thing of the past for so many reasons!